
SYSTEMS Exhibition
Rethinking systems and art.

Institute of Care
Collaborative project to map out futures of care.

The Great Offshore
Deciphering the logics of offshore finance with RYBN.org.

Money Lab Helsinki
Laboratory of digital economy and organisation.

Care Project Administration
Economies of care explored by the Forms of Ownership collective.

Network Effects
Confonting the material, mental and political effects of today's online world.

The Hidden Life of an Amazon User
Joana Moll makes visible the energy costs of an online purchase.

Mosaic Virus
Anna Ridler speculates with algorithmic tulips.

eeefff group speculates on futures economy with kids.

I, Cloud and Uncharted
Timo Bredenberg explores the desert of the net economy.

Robin Hood
Public intervention by Robin Hood cooperative, investment bank for the precariat.

Online Imaginaries
Artists at work for a new political imagination of the internet.

Media Art Worlds conference
Seminar on hybrid economies of media art.