
Minna Långström - Media artist of the month
The artist presents a set of interdisciplinary work in context of her solo show at Sinne gallery.

Kalle Hamm - media artist of the month
Kalle Hamm presents work on otherness, minorities and immigration realized together with Dzamil Kamanger.

Arttu Merimaa - Media artist of the month
The artist deconstructs masculinity and runs the Alkovi window gallery.

Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta Kalleinen - Media artists of the month
Interviewed on the Vartiosaari island, the artist duo discuss their participatory practice.

Marjatta Oja - Media artist of the month
The artist discusses her work ranging from "situation sculptures" to music videos.

Petri Kuljuntausta - Media artist of the month
The pioneer of Finnish sound art speaks about his work with soundscapes and electronic music.

Heidi Tikka - Media artist of the month
Heidi Tikka's interactive and site-specific works relate to affectivity and embodiment.

Erich Berger - Media artist of the month
The artist discusses the approaches of bio art and art-science collaborations while presenting a set of work.

Hanna Haaslahti - Media artist of the month
The artist presents her work and discusses relations of space, body and technology.

Tuomo Rainio - Media artist of the month
Interview with artist Tuomo Rainio at his show The Reconfigured Image, April 2013.

Paula Lehtonen - Media artist of the month
The artist presents recent work, on the electronic blue, vjing and the perception of bats.

Albert Laine - Media artist of the month
Albert Laine, a wizard of 3D techniques and hardware hacks, interviewed at his studio.

Jaakko Pesonen - Media artist of the month
In the interview, the artist presents projects discussing homofobia and artificial intelligence.

Kallio Archive
Open-source video archive on the changing neighbourhood of Kallio.

Mia Mäkelä - Media artist of the month
The artist presents her practice ranging from live cinema and remix to algae gathering.

Timo Wright - Media artist of the month
The artist presents his projects on ethnic profiling, consumption and urban culture.

Timo Bredenberg - Media artist of the month
Visual artist Timo Bredenberg explores internet communities and movements.

Shinji Kanki - Media artist of the month
Interview with composer of experimental music, educator and radio dj Shinji Kanki.

Riikka Kuoppala - Media artist of the month
The artist presents her media and collaborative work on psychology, abstraction and poverty.

Finnish Techno Review
Documentation of Finnish VJ and electronic music festival KTK at Kuudes linja club, Helsinki.

Media Artist of the Month
Series of interviews with Finnish media artists.