

Woad seeds held by a human palm

A Library of Seeds

Joss Allen celebrates the interrelationship of seeds and humans.

Central Park map

Central Park Archives

Co-archiving an urban forest.

Details of work by Elena Mazzi, Valentina Karga and La Jetée

Karga/Mazzi/La Jetee

Local dialogues on global change - an exhibition at Maunula House.


Our Coming Community

Valentina Karga's collective totem representing the future values of a community.

Maunula Atmospheres close up of sky with birds

Maunula Atmospheres

Artist duo La Jetée deciphers climate change in private archives of a neighbourhood.

Kallio Archive logo player icon with metro

Kallio Archive

Open-source video archive on the changing neighbourhood of Kallio.

Open source world map

Open Code

Tabloid newspaper advocating FLOSS and open source culture.


Maunula schoolkids at playing field

Maunula collaborations

Collaborative & media art programme in the Maunula neighbourhood.


Open source world map

Open Code

Tabloid newspaper advocating FLOSS and open source culture.