
Ontology for Media Art
Creating a vocabulary for media art.

Sad by Design
Geert Lovink's talk on social media melancholy.

Public Faculty
Jeanne van Heeswijk skecthes collective futures.

Disinformation Camp
Workshop on computational propaganda and the influence of public opinion online.

Maunula Remix
Discursive event on processes of collaborative art.

A Dialogue on Process
Jussi Koitela and Minna Tarkka discuss challenges of process based art.

Media Art Worlds conference
Seminar on hybrid economies of media art.
Perspectives on Media Art
Open lecture series - media art genres and themes presented by artists.

Shades of Agency
Seminar and artist workshops discussing agency in collaborative art.

The Pleasures and Pains of Participation
Seminar on facilitation techniques in art and collaboration.

KOLLAB talkshops
Series of peer discussions on social art practice.

Media art education project to encourage children's agency online.

Open Code
Tabloid newspaper advocating FLOSS and open source culture.

Performing Places
International seminar on technology, affect and the urban environment.

Read_me 2.3. festival
Festival on software art.