Media Facades Festival Helsinki 2015


MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL is an urban media festival which brings media art for new audiences to discover, opens up new approaches to the city and experiments with media and technology in public space. The 5th edition of the Media Facades highlights themes of visibility and invisibility in urban spaces.

Media Facades Festival Helsinki 2015 looks for freedom of expression in the public space by making citizens’ voices visible in the city. Interrupting the Everyday is a campaign project where six community groups bring their issues to the digital screens at Helsinki’s metro and trams on August 20-22. Citizen issues are also on the agenda in The Spectre of People, a virtual protest lingering as an afterimage to the big demonstration against austerity policies in Helsinki on Saturday, August 22.

With the artists, Media Facades turns powerful projectors on to illuminate coal and haze. Night Sites is a series of site-specific media projects which showcases a new piece at a new location each night. The pieces create new layers of meaning and experience to the urban landscape via large-scale video projections, sound and music. The first project opens at the historical Helsinki Observatory facade on the Night of the Arts, August 20 within the Observemus event for astronomy, poetry and media art.



Thu 20.8. (Night of the Arts)

INTERRUPTING THE EVERYDAY Community campaigns / Digiscreens, metro and trams in Helsinki
12.00-18.00 Create your space! – MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association
18.00-24.00 My sign shows I´m visually impaired – Fin­nish Fe­de­ra­tion of the Vi­sual­ly Im­pai­red

NIGHT SITES  Tähtitorninpuisto, Helsinki Observatory, Kopernikuksentie 1
21.00-24.00 Tales from Frontiers –  facade video projection and live music performance.
Jarmo Vellonen, Marikki Hakola, Epa Tamminen, Jone Takamäki

Fri 21.8.

INTERRUPTING THE EVERYDAY Community campaigns / Digiscreens, metro and trams in Helsinki
12.00-18.00 Are you time poor or time rich?Helsinki Time bank
18.00-24.00 #35 changes – Finnwatch

NIGHT SITES  Merihaka carpet pier, Hanasaari coal hill, Sörnäisten rantatie 19
22.00-24.00 Conducting Senses – Interactive projection and soundscape
Andre Vicentini & Fernando Visockis

Sat 22.8.

INTERRUPTING THE EVERYDAY Community campaigns / Digiscreens, metro and trams in Helsinki
12.00-18.00 Experience the paradise in HelsinkiWild Helsinki
18.00-24.00 Go Homeless!Vailla Vakinaista Asuntoa

NIGHT SITES Kansalaistori, Eero Erkon katu
22:00-24.00 The Spectre of People – media protest
Media Facades Helsinki team

Sun 23.8.

NIGHT SITES  Lasipalatsi Square, Mannerheimintie 24 21.30-23.00 Night Searchers – videoprojections with music
Maija Saksman ja Seppo Renvall and friends

Media Facades Helsinki is organized for the 5th time in the context of Helsinki Festival. The event is produced by m-cult within the international Connecting Cities Network.

MFF15 logos
MFF15 poster detail with protesters on street
Daniel Malpica