Sophea Lerner
Sophea Lerner is a composer, broadcaster and sonic media artist specialised in participatory site-specific sound projects in cities and distributed transmission practices. Sophea is co-founder of open content live audio platform {openradio}. They have spent several years based in urban India exploring sound in public space and shared listening practices as modes of enquiry into the city where they co-founded collective research collaboration, Delhi Listening Group. Their installation, performance & broadcast practice explores a range of participatory and both situated and distributed collaborative modes and ensemble production processes, combining personal, mechanical, edible, spatial, digital and telephonic networks into dynamic, flexible & open hybrid radio architectures.
From 2002-7 she ran media and sonic arts courses at the Centre for Music & Technology in Helsinki where she directed the experimental open content fm/ hybrid broadcast project Ääniradio in Helsinki from 2004 and the particle/wave festival of hybrid radio. She has also taught at University of Technology, Sydney and worked as a radio producer for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Creative Audio Unit.