Everything will be Fine? Talk by Marek Tuszynski, Tactical Tech 8.5.

Our Currency is Information

Everything is Going to Be Fine? – perspectives on data politics and visualisation.
Talk by Marek Tuszynski, Tactical Technology Collective
Friday May 8, 2015 3 PM – 5 PM at Aalto Media Factory

How to turn information into action and create visualisations for advocacy purposes? What can you do to protect yourself from your digital shadow? What are the opportunities and hindrances of doing activism in a time of a shrinking universe, data politics and the banalisation of self?

These are some of the questions discussed by Marek Tuszynski in an interactive talk presenting the outstanding work of Tactical Technology Collective, including current projects such as Exposing the Invisible and Me and my Shadow.

The lecture will be inspirational to graphic designers, open data advocates, investigative journalists as well as communities, NGOs and grassroots groups working to get their message through.

The talk will be streamed live at https://livestream.com/accounts/6845410/events/4034308


The talk is a lead-in to the upcoming workshop and project Interrupting the Everyday for Media Facades Helsinki.