Year 2024 has been filled with exciting productions with wonderful artists and partners. M-Cult team would like to thank all of you dear artists, partners, collaborators, funders and friends of M-Cult who have contributed to making this year so special!
Here are some of the productions and highlights
In January Pahvikahvit invited Maunula participants to build community urban spaces out of cardboard while having discussions together about how we want to live. Organised by M-Cult together with artists Vienne Chan, Tuukka Haapakorpi and Trojan Horse collective (Tommi Vasko & Kaisa Karvinen).
Starting from the beginning of the spring 2024, M-Cult’s EMAP Resident artists Andreas Zinglerie and Linda Kronman worked with a media art project ‘Ideal Behavior’ which addresses the ways AI affects the employment sector. We heard presentations and interviews of the process throughout the year, you find them and more info from here: Ideal Behaviour - EMAP residence 2024
In March M-Cult among other EMAP member organizations with our residence artists for 2024 enjoyed a few days of artist presentations and networking at NeMe in Limassol.
In May Barcelona-based artist Mónica Rikić presented her solo exhibition HIPERTÈLIA at Rijeka, Croatia: M-Cult’s co-production with EMAP partner Drugo More.
During summer we presented Helsingin Keskuspuisto -website’s story path (tarinapolku) and prepared for the launch of the platform, which took place in September! M-Cult has been active in the Helsinki Central Park (Keskuspuisto) area for many years, and this year we were excited to have the Central Park project bringing together these projects and materials collected over the years on one web platform:
In October M-Cult hosted EMAP’s Capacity Building Workshop Authorship in AI-Generated Art with Boris Eldagsen and our EMAP residency artists Kairus (Andreas Zingerle & Linda Kronman). With their presentations the workshop focused on the challenges and possibilities of prompt-based visual creation and the ethical considerations of AI in art. Discussion was programmed and moderated by M-Cult’s producer and residency coordinator Mia Mäkelä.
AI Made me Do it -Symposium in November invited artists and researchers to uncover the layers of AI’s pervasive influence on our daily experiences. Symposium took place at Studio3, Innsbruck Austria. Supported by the European Media Art platform, co-funded by the European Union, M-Cult, and the Dean Office of Architecture Faculty, University of Innsbruck.
In November Fin et début / Einde en begin exhibition was opened at IMAL center in Brussels, Belgium and included works by two of M-Cult´s former EMAP resident artists: Annelie Berner (2023) and Caroline Sinders (2022).
Berner's and Sinder's collaborative work Plant Futures from Berner's residency period was also exhibited at groupshow Kin(d) Relations II: EMAP Group Show at Antre Peaux, France. Plant Futures by Annelie Berner in collaboration with Carolina Sinders, find their interview about the process in M-Cult residency period from here.
In December M-Cult launched Minna Tarkka Lectures — a new annual initiative focused on the potential of art, media, and technology in democratic societies celebrating the legacy of M-Cult’s founder Minna Tarkka (1960–2023). We were more than pleased to have artists Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Julia Nisperos & Wax Roldan from Green Papaya Art Projects and Trevor Paglen to start this initiative with us.
See you next year at M-Cult’s events and productions!