Media art ontology OMA published!


OMA, Ontology for Media Art has been published today at the vocabulary service maintained by the National Library of Finland. With over 1500 concepts to describe the wide field of media arts, ranging from video, sound, light art, experimental film and music to new forms of digital literature and AI based art, OMA is one of the most comprehensive terminology resources dedicated to media art. Concepts from the tri-lingual (fi,sv,en) ontology have also been added and linked to wikidata.

The ontology was created at M-cult by informatician Mira Rissanen and director Minna Tarkka in context of the Media Art History in Finland (MEHI) project coordinated by the Finnish Media Art Network. We extend our warmest thanks to Susanna Ånäs, several experts of media art and the Finto team at the National library!