We are recruiting! The Finnish Media Art Network offers jobs for two informaticians in the project MEHI Media Art History in Finland. The deadline for applications is August 1.
MEHI is a three year project produced in a consortium between the Finnish Media Art Network as coordinator and its member organisations who are responsible for the realisation of work. The first two work packages to start are Database construction and open information (MUU and m-cult) which creates the currently missing data infrastructure for the field, as well as Historical material collection, with pioneer interviews (AV-arkki) and conservation plans for threatened art pieces (The Finnish Light Art Society Flash).
Within the project m-cult is realising the work package on media art terminology and open data. With the informatician, M-cult will construct a special ontology for media art which will be published in the Finnish Ontology service Finto. The other informatician will be responsible for creating a reference database for media art coordinated by MUU ry, in close collaboration with the National Gallery and .
The two first work packages kick off with support from the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Swedish Cultural Foundation and the Ministry of Culture and Education, while the support from Oskar Öflund foundation was essential for the preliminary study realised in September 2020-March 2021.
The third work package focuses on publishing an anthology on the 'First Century of Finnish Media Art', which spans a timeline from sound technology inventor Eric Tigerstedt (1920's, pictured) to the current hybrid field of media and digital art genres. Funding for this work package will be sought within the next months.