First call for artists - Media Facades Helsinki


The first call for Media Facades collected expressions of interest and project ideas for the festival.


This is an invitation for Finnish artists to propose projects for the Media Facades 2010 Festival which takes place at the turn of August/September in 2010. The festival takes over public urban space simultaneously in 7 European cities -  Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Helsinki, Liverpool, Linz and Madrid.

From each participating country, 4 projects are selected into the European programme of the festival. In addition there will be local programming in each city.

We are especially interested in projects which open up the spatial and social experience of the city by an innovative use of the visual, interactive and participatory potentials of media and architecture. The objective of the event is to present new insights into the urban environment and to encourage debate about the uses of public / media space.

The final selections will be made in the festival's international organizing group which also decides which projects will be presented in each city.  In the selections, special emphasis will be put on the idea and aesthetic form of the project, as well as its technical feasibility. Artists are encouraged to think outside the box of big screens and to propose temporary, mobile and low-tech projects!

The selected artists will receive a fee and technical / production support for realizing their projects. 1-2 artists will be offered a residency at Liverpool's FACT centre during Summer 2010.

Media Facades 2010 organizers:
Public Art Lab (Berlin), IMAL (Brussels), m-cult (Helsinki), FACT (Liverpool).

In collaboration with:
Kitchen (Budapest), Ars Electronica Future lab (Linz) and Media Lab Prado (Madrid), Finnish Institute (London), FRAME (Helsinki)

The festival is realized with support from EU Culture 2007.

Expressions of interest / first project ideas
*working title and brief description of project idea
*presentation of artist / cv or link to home pages
*email by 12.11.09 to

Contact & More information
Minna Tarkka, m-cult  050-5203167