Maunula is a neighbourhood in Northern Helsinki known for its strong traditions of community organising. Over the years, m-cult has built a long-term relationship with the neighbourhood.
In 2016-18, m-cult produced 16 art projects by 24 artists as well as numerous related events to Maunula in context of the Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme and the 'Helsinki model' art pilots. The international open calls for collaborative media art in 2016-17 received 500 proposals from 65 countries. Over 300 individuals and 20 communities or groups participated in the co-productions and the events reached over 15000 visitors.
The work continues in 2019-21 within the Maunula Commons theme focusing on long-term collaborations and productions.
Organised since 2016, the season kick-off brunch at Saunabaari Community centre has become a tradition to introduce artists and residents to each other.
We also organise seminars and lectures reflecting on collaborative and media art practice, processes and agency.
The productions and events in the neighbourhood are followed in the Finnish-language site m-cult in Maunula.
Read more in our Introduction to Maunula page.